850 Commitments found

Hearing patients views and opinions and making sure they're incorporated

Work in progress

I pledge to cost public involvement into every grant I write so I can support the many people who help us deliver better research.

Work in progress

Listen to public concerns

Work in progress

Across all my research, I will look for and maximise the opportunities for meaningful collaboration with patients and the public.

Work in progress

I will spread the information to join a dental PPIE group to the Dental Hospital patients to help with oral health research.

Work in progress

I will ensure that I use plain language in all my communications, and I will be more vocal in demanding that others use plain language when communicating with the public, colleagues and organisations.

Work in progress

I will ensure that I listen to a more diverse range of people affected by dementia, including more people with a diagnosis themselves

Work in progress

I will allow more control to members of the Research Network in co-creating, co-designing and co-delivering my work.

Work in progress

I will put more emphasis on feedback to people about the impact of their involvement.

Work in progress

Take the Pledge

Make a Pledge to patients, a concrete commitment to meaningful patient engagement.

Take the Pledge